We believe the why and the reason, are needed for not only the church as a whole, but for the local church individually.
We believe we have sent to the Chattanooga area, to pilgrimage something special.
The definition of Culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.
Here at Be Love Co. the culture is built upon our three highest values. Everything we do as a company of people is driven by the reality that the good news of the gospel is meant to be made manifest in who we are and what we do. Our desire is that anyone who would call Be Love Co. home would be built around this mission and this culture
Our Mission
Believe the Good News
before we become anything, before we discover anything, we must first believe. Believing The Good News is the starting place for us all.
What is the Good News?
The Good News is simply that the Kingdom of God is here, and because of Jesus and His sacrifice, we are welcomed freely into this Kingdom when we believe that He is who He says He is.
Believing the Good News is the starting place for us all. The process of our spiritual formation begins with a willingness to explore the truth of God’s Kingdom regarding who He is, what He’s done, and who He says we are.
Become The Good News
The reality of The Good News, is that it is simply not just something we believe… but also something we become. Paul uses the language of a New Creation
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthings 5:17
For our family at Be Love Co. this is not a figurative idea, rather it is a true and present reality. Jesus has made us new through His sacrifice and work of reconciliation. Now our responsibility is to learn to believe in the truth of who He says we are.
When we take part in the actuality of our new nature as new creation, we naturally become the message of the Good News to the world around us.
Share The Good News
We believe in the mission set by Jesus after His resurrection, which is to share the Good News, and make disciples of all nations.
The Good News is not meant to be reduced to information about what Jesus has done, rather it is meant to also become a lifestyle out of which we continuously live.
Our hope and belief is that as we believe and become the Good News, we will raise the banner of the Good News in our city, vocations, families, and circles of influence.
The Epistles speak not of the need to go out and search for the lost, but rather that the lost would see and be drawn by the love, power, and hope that is outwardly shown by those who have been transformed by the gospel.
We believe that lifestyle mission will produce the greatest harvest that we can see in the Church. Our belief and conviction is that, as people in our city and region truly believe and become The Good News, who they are will be an invitation for all into what is available in the Kingdom.
This is what Culture and Values mean to our Co.
Here at Be Love Co. the culture is built upon our three highest values. Everything we do as a company of people is driven by the reality that the good news of the gospel is meant to be made manifest in who we are and what we do. Our desire is that anyone who would call Be Love Co. home would be built around this mission and these three culture points: Identity, Presence, and Mission.
We believe that these three values, not only carry their own power and meaning, but combined truly create a fully spiritual formed family.
We see these circles of values not only as intersecting, but also with individual values of their own.

The gospel of Jesus is one that results in us having the opportunity to become like Him. Through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, we have been made completely new and are seated in a place of heavenly authority. The natural expression of learning to believe in the truth of who we are and what it means to have become the righteousness of God is that we will do what Jesus did.

Nothing in the world is more precious or powerful than to dwell in the presence of the God whose love and goodness is unconditional. As His children, we have the opportunity to spend our days in communion with Him. In doing so we will discover His heart, His character, and explore the reality that simply being in His presence will transform us completely. Our gatherings are centered around simply being together as a Kingdom Family in God’s presence.

Spending our days in communion with God and discovering the truth about who we are as the beloved of Christ is what equips us to make the gospel a reality everywhere we go. We have been both commissioned and empowered by the Father to make disciples and bring the realities of heaven to earth.

The implementation of these values within a Kingdom Family will result in a group of people who truly know what it means to experience The Kingdom of God on earth.